[Fredsinitiativet-trondheim] FW: Remedy these ailments quickly with
our wide variety of supplements.
gwinette at go2.pl
Mon Jan 9 05:15:05 CET 2006
Hey partner,
This web page is just what you need! We DEFINITELY are going to see for
Ring me next time,
-------Original Message-------
From: Gertie [mailto:conglomerate at lists.copyleft.no]
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2005 3:15 AM
To: Emmylou
Subject: Remedy these ailments quickly with our wide variety of
To my other half, Emmylou,
This internet store will surely change our life for the better, so get
fired up! You're one of my most benevolent mates and I really want you to
cease paying so much for treatments.
I'm coming over tonight to show you the excellent Meds Shop that Diana
refers. You most likely are tired of not receiving the curatives you need.
After you find the best curative, they will be rapidly posted to your home!
I feel that you should check out this internet store so you can see how
affordable the prices are!
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Stop by next time,
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