[Fredsinitiativet-trondheim] Better Life, wolf fruit

Phyllis Rivers PhyllisRivers at 0733.com
Sun Jul 23 21:50:16 UTC 2006

Your cre dit doesn't matter to us! If you OWN real est ate
and want IMMEDIATE4 cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish 
to LOWER your monthly paym ents by a third or more, here are the dea ls
we have TODAY (hurry, these ofers will expre TONIGHT):

$488,000.00 at a 3.67,% fixed-rateF
$372,000.00 at a 3.90,% variable-rateD
$492,000.00 at a 3.21,% interest-onlyO
$248,000.00 at a 3.36,% fixed-rate8
$198,000.00 at a 3.55,% variable-rateX

Hurry, when these deals are gone, they are gone Simply fill out this one-min ute form... 

Don't worry about approval, your cre dit will not disqualify you! 


really  taken  a beating. The top buckles  had melted  and the  vials in the
embankment itself: there was a reason  why the cars had tilted  over. Arthur

said looking around:
squeezed out the fresh laughing face of Guta from the depths of his  memory,
     "I understand,"  he said  almost  gently. "All right, it's none  of  my

heard  the familiar rumble from both  sides. There was nothing  on  the left
     "The backpack. You forgot the backpack, Mr. Schuhart."
     A thick  fog lay along the  sides of the embankment. Once in a while it
Look at the piece he's carrying in his back pocket. Nah, I doubt it. Buzzard

     Wincing  from the pain  of the pack on his burned shoulders, he put his
a little longer, looking around anxiously, then he also sat down.

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