[Fredsinitiativet-trondheim] On some systems, the library may not build properly if you do not use gas.
Mairusz gerber
Mairuszgerber at exstatic.org
Sat Aug 11 08:02:57 CEST 2007
H_u_g'e N e*w*s To Im'pact C-Y+T+V
Chin-a Yo,uTV C,o r*p*.
S_ymbol: C Y+T*V
We h,a+v*e alr+eady s+e_e-n CY'TV's mar_ket impa_ct befo.re cli-mbi*ng to o'v+e*r $'2.00 w i+t'h n'e_w's..
Pr_ess Relea.se:
Chi-na YouT,V's CnB.oo W+e-b S'i.t.e R,anks N+o*..1 on Micr*os oft L+i+v,e Searc-h En+gine
Cn.Boo Tr,affic Increa+-ses 4'9 % O+v+e.r T+w*o Mo,nths
R'e'a d t*h-e ne-ws, t+hink ab-out t_h'e im+pact, and
j_u'm p on t,h_i s f+irst t'hing To morr*ow m' orning! $.0.42 is a g,i,f.t at t-h'i+s p.rice..,...
Do y'o*u'r hom-ew,ork a*n-d wa+tch t'h-i,s t_rade M onday mor_ning.
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