[Fredsinitiativet-trondheim] Shelby D. Spratt
Shirley E. Meadows
tennantc at usuario-4378960
Mon Nov 9 21:47:44 CET 2009
To old to go to the school? and you want a degree, ok we will help you get it
Give us a call at this number 1-215-602 -2419 and we will do the rest for you, to get you a degree.
Leave a msg, Including you name, number, and degree you want, we will call back and get all right for you.
Brandon Vineyard
All human beings are born with unique gifts. The healthy functioning of our community depends on its capacity to develop each gift.' Peter Senge 'The Learning School.' 'Parents and educators
need to establish a culture in which security and clarity of expectations are balanced with the encouragement of playfulness, inquisitiveness and self reliance.' Guy Claxton in 'Wise -Up' 'In high performing schools
Teachers feel invigorated, challenged, professionally engaged, and empowered just because they are there.' Margaret Arbuckle US educator 'It is strange perhaps to realize that most people have a desire to love their organizations. They love the purpose of their school....They fall in love with the identity that is trying to be expressed. They connect to the founding vision.' Margaret'The guiding principle being put forward is that schools must be self directing.John Goodland As the world becomes more inter-connected organizations that will truly excel in the future will be ( those)... that discover how to tap people's commitment and capacity to learn.' Peter Senge 'The Fifth Discipline'
Stories are the most effective ways of changing minds...there has to be a protagonist. There has to be a goal. There have to be obstacles people can identify with. There has to be an ultimate resolution - hopefully a positive one...what leaders do is put aside or reject the old story, the story you have grown up with. Leaders say, 'No it's a different story. You may not like it initially, but it's a better story in the long run, and you have to go with it and here is why...' . Howard Gardner
The moral sense, or conscience, is as much part of a man as his leg or arm. It is given to all in a stronger or weaker degree.. It may be strengthened by exercise. Thomas Jefferson ' I am entirely certain that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today and wonder how we could tolerated anything so primitive.' John W Gardner 'It is not who you attend school with but who controls the school you attend.' Nick Giovanni US Poet
The constant need to move on, and to document progress, in normal schools means that education tends to be cut up into bite sized task..' Guy Claxton in 'Wise -Up' 'Teaching is impossible. If we simply add together all that is expected of a typical teacher... the sum makes greater demands than any individual can possibly fulfill'. Lee Shulman Stanford Univ
Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination.' e e cummings us poet
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