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-----original message-----<br>
From: lilia@s.com [mailto:arianna@tty.com]<br>
Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2005 3:25AM<br>
To: viola; debra@k.com; norberto; cristopher; bev<br>
Subject: <a href="http://eg.R.vyzmzt.org/u/">appreciate but no thank you PO
12 00 B , Oran ge sta d, A ruba</a><br>
Rob closed the lid of the wonderful Record of Events and soon fell into a
deep sleep that held him unconscious for many hours
When he awoke he gave a start of surprise, for beneath him was land
<br>How long it was since he had left the ocean behind him he could not
guess, but his first thought was to set the indicator of the traveling
machine to zero and to hover over the country until he could determine where
he wasThis was no easy matter