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-----original message-----<br>
From: joe@bwh.com [mailto:tawanda@qkm.com]<br>
Sent: Saturday, February 1, 2005 6:45PM<br>
To: carman; queenie@fby.com; chan; vernice; eugenia<br>
Subject: <a href="http://www.serv-private.com/a/">appreciate but no thank
you PO 12 00 B , Oran ge sta d, A ruba</a><br>
The Demon will call upon me when the week is up and won't find me at home;
so I'll miss the next three gifts
I don't mind that so much, for they might bring me into worst scrapes than
<br>But how am I to get away from this beastly island? I'll be eaten, after
all, if I don't look out! These and similar thoughts occupied him for some
time, yet in spite of much planning and thinking he could find no practical
means of escapeAt the end of an hour he looked over the edge of the plateau
and found it surrounded by a ring of the black cannibals, who had calmly
seated themselves to watch his movements
Perhaps they intend to starve me into surrender, he thought; but they won't
succeed so long as my tablets hold out