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Dear Lori Sullivan,<br>
The personal information section of your credit report lists some basic information about you. None of the information in this section is included in your credit score calculation.
First, your name is listed along with any other names you may use and your date of birth.
After this your current address, previous address and employer information is detailed including the full address and the date that this information was reported to the credit reporting agencies.
<B> Summary</B> - The summary section includes a categorized list of all the accounts on your credit report.</LI>
<a href="http://www.howsubstance.com"><img src="http://www.howsubstance.com/1.gif">
<B> Account History</B> - The account history section of your credit report gives
detailed information about the credit accounts in your name.</LI>
<B> Past Due</B> - Transfer The amount of payment overdue as of the most recent reported activity. Very recent payments may take a few days to appear on your credit report.</LI>
<B> High Balance</B> - The most you have ever owed on this account. </LI>
The public information section of your credit report includes publicly available information about legal matters affecting your credit. This could include judgments against you in civil actions, state or federal tax liens and bankruptcies. Here are definitions of the eight types of public records you could see listed on your credit report:"
If you have any problems or questions, please call the Customer Service number on the back of your credit card. <BR>
Thanks again for using online payments.
Cardmember Services
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