The Assembly may make recommendations on any matters within the scope of the UN, except matters of peace and security under Security Council consideration.
There are 101 universities, 12 institutes, 9 degree colleges and 24 colleges in Burma, a total of 146 higher education institutions.
She replies that she cannot because she is betrothed to John Riley, who has gone away over the seas.
During the December 2002-February 2003 all-out national strike where managers and skilled highly paid technicians of PDVSA shut down the plants and left their posts, petroleum production and refining by PDVSA almost ceased.
The three most important virtual device drivers are.
This may be unrealistically high, opening the market to " deep discounters " who are able to sell products substantially below the MSRP while still making a profit.
For other uses, see Libel (disambiguation) and Slander (disambiguation).
Publication of lesbian fiction for teenagers and young adults started in the 1970s.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
The Washington Post, March 15, 2007.
There are many words in English coined to describe forms of particular non-English languages that contain a very high proportion of English words.
The South Bend Water Works delivers water to residents of South Bend.
Southern Rhodesia self-proclaimed indepedence (unrecognized by the United Kingdom) as Commonwealth realm and became republic in 1970.
This Quebec -related article is a stub.
This will definitely attract potential investors from all over the world [6].
Besides enacting parliamentary bills, all government bills need the formal approval by the Monarch before and after introduction to Parliament.
Virus self-assembly within host cells has implications for the study of the origin of life, as it may support the hypothesis that life could have started as self-assembling organic molecules.
Uruguay then became a zone of contention between the Spanish and the Portuguese empires.
BP pays out millions to Colombian farmers.
In the first Satire of their second book, [11] Horace alludes to this provision in a dialogue with the lawyer Trebatius, by punning on mala carmina at lines 82-84.
In this way, Zionism serves as a bridge between Orthodox and secular Jews.
Various non-Burman ethnic groups choose to not recognise the name because the term Myanmar has historically been used as a label for the majority ethnic group, the Bamar, rather than for the country.
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) (Fluminense Federal University).