[Loom-auto] Reduce your A/P by 80%

sherrell myers julianakava at love.korzik.net
Fri Sep 22 04:59:07 UTC 2006


>From time to time, most companies experience a cash flow problem.   
These problems can range from temporary cash crunches with the inability 
to pay trade creditors and suppliers within the granted credit terms to 
more serious problems including bankruptcy and liquidation.

If you own or operate a company with a cash flow problem, we can help.  
We are a national consulting company specializing in reducing problem 
debts for companies of all sizes.  Since our inception in 1989, 
we have helped hundreds of companies including small "mom and pops" to 
large multi-national organizations.  We keep our clients out of the legal 
system so they can concentrate on their business enabling a large savings 
in both time and money.  

We typically reduce our clients accounts payable and other debts to less 
than 20 cents on the dollar!  In fact, our settlements rarely go higher 
than 35 cents on the dollar.  Furthermore, we put our clients in a no 
lose situation. We always give them the opportunity to accept or reject 
any settlement we negotiate for them.  If they do not like the settlement 
we negotiated, we charge them nothing.  If they accept, our fee is based 
on a small percentage of what we saved them over the original amount owed. 

Therefore, we don't charge by the hour, never charge a retainer, but only 
get paid when you accept a satisfactory settlement that we have negotiated 
on your behalf.

If your creditors are constantly calling your company for payment, or have 
even retained a collection agency or attorney, I strongly urge you to fill 
out the form below and fax it back to us.  Just imagine what your cash and 
working capital positions would look like in a few short weeks after an 
80% reduction of debt. 

You have absolutely nothing to lose.

No results! NO fee!

Call today for your free consultation:


our address is in hyperlink above along with gone from db

Then he turned and rushed from the hut.Laughing with amusement at the
waddling, fat figure, Rob followed the chief and found himself standing
almost in the center of the native villagem10

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