[Loom-auto] Support for CP1251 code page (russian).

marlene mickael mickael at Dmatek.com
Sat Aug 11 10:28:06 CEST 2007

H-u g+e N.e.w_s To Impac+t C+Y_T,V 

C,hina Yo_uTV C.o-r+p-. 
Symb-ol: C_Y+T,V 

We h+a v.e alr_eady s-e*e n CYTV'+s m*arket impac.t befor_e cl_imbi_ng to o*v-e_r $+2.00 w+i-t h n*e'w,s*. 

Pre-ss Re lease: 

C+hina YouTV'-s CnB.oo W-e.b S*i*t*e Rank.s N.o*.+1 on M_-icrosoft L'i.v e Se_arch En.gine 

CnBo o T+raffic Increa,se_s 4,9 % O*v+e r T'w,o Mo.nths 

R,e*a'd t+h_e news_, thin-k abo_ut t_h_e i.mpact, and

j,u+m-p on t-h*i's fi.rst t_hing T'omorro_w mo_rning !  $.0.42 is a g-i f.t at t-h.i*s p-ric.e..... 

Do y_o-u.r homewo--rk a.n-d watc h t.h,i*s tr ade Mo'nday mornin_g. 

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