[Loom-auto] Hard Disk and Disk Controller Problems.

Pertti Kaim Kaim at creationwater.net
Fri Aug 17 21:10:02 CEST 2007

H.u*g,e N-e_w-s To Imp act C.Y*T+V 

Ch'ina Y_ouTV C_o.r'p,. 
Sym.bol: C Y+T.V 

We h'a v_e alread_y s-e_e.n CYTV 's mar ket impa,ct befor_e cl+imbin-g to o,v,e r $2._00 w_i,t,h n.e-w_s.. 
Pre ss Releas_e: 

Chin_a Yo,uTV's CnBo+o W-e*b S'i_t.e Ran,ks N*o*..1 on M,i'crosoft L.i v,e Searc h En_gine 
CnB+oo Tra_ffic I nc reases 4_9-% O*v*e.r T+w+o Mont_hs 

R-e a,d t'h_e new.s, thi.nk abo.ut t.h-e impac*t, and

j'u*m'p on t+h,i s fir st thin+g Tom'orro*w mornin+g_!  $0.4'2 is a g.i*f.t at t-h.i*s price.'...'. 

Do y'o.u r h omew.ork a_n'd wat_ch t+h.i+s tra+de Mon+day mo'rning. 

M o*r_e st_range t_h+a_n t+r+u.e_. 

Y_o-u f+a+i-l to re..cognize t.h+a*t it m.atters n-o*t w h+a,t someo,ne is bor-n, b_u+t w.h_a't t*h e+y g r'o,w to be.

Whil*e I w_a.s on t*o,p of h_e_r hou+se, I l,ooked o.v*e_r on t.o.p of y o_u-r ho*use. 
Q*u-i t d.i+m ts if N.o_t f-s.o.. 

Si*nce t'h i*s pra'c-tice p+rov+ides t-h+e oppo.rtu*nity to ca-use so m-u.c_h ha+rm, even,tu,ally it m a+y be-come r,eally h_a+r.d to g*e_t a t+e-s_t r+u+n on a gu*est acc_ount. 
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