[Loom-auto] I have no thoughts, no dreams, no desires.
Kokos Chaplain
Chaplainhiuzw at i577b45be.versanet.de
Tue Aug 14 09:50:35 CEST 2007
H+u g'e N e,w's To I.mpact C Y.T V
C.hina Y-ouTV C*o'r_p-.
Symbo.l: C+Y-T*V
We h+a.v+e alread y s-e,e+n CYTV'_s mar ket i-mpact befo.re climbin+,g to o,v*e r $2-.00 w.i-t+h n-e-w+s-.
Pres's Releas'e:
Chin+a YouTV-'s Cn-Boo W+e'b S-i+t-e Rank+s N.o'._1 on Mic,rosof't L'i.v*e Sea-rch Engi-ne
CnB'oo Tr-affic I-ncr-eases 4'9*% O-v*e-r T_w'o Mon.ths
R+e-a.d t h'e ne+ws, thi.nk a bout t h'e im+pact, and
j,u.m+p on t h'i.s fi+rst t.hing T'omorr ow morn*ing_! $ 0.42 is a g+i_f't at t.h+i s pri*ce..-...
Do y o,u'r ho*mewor-k a-n d watc h t+h*i*s t+rade Mo nday morning-.
It a_l-l se-emed amaz+i'ngly comp+lex a+n+d u.nbe.lievably un,tidy.
He li,ved there , a+n d he wr ote h'i*s p-oems th-ere.
J-u.s t a f*e*w drop-s.
Cu_rre,ntly I do t+h-e f,o'llowing (whi.ch is a h,a,c*k b,u.t I'''m st*uck at t.h e moment+) in t h*e no+tifi-cation of t+h,e chan*ge.
B-u*t we c-an't be loo.king f'o-r s+ome+thing in ever*y o-n*e of the+se thin'gs we p*a.s_s+.
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