[Loom-auto] No Exam/Class, buy yourself University_Degree/Dip1oma/MasteerMBA at Cheap, Valid in all countries\n ixhgs o014

Willette Shalon willetteshalon_pe at amd.com
Mon Jan 12 15:59:26 CET 2009

Tired of Hearing:   
:: What's Your Degree in?        
:: Where did you go to school?      
:: No Degree, No Job!        
:: You don't Qualify for it!      
:: With a degree we could offer you a higher salary & etc ...   
Now you can finally Have the Degree you deserve Based on your "Life Experience"    
No Examination, No Books, No Study    
Prestigious Non-accreedited Degrees    
'No One is turned Down'   
Our degrees are Available for all country residents (US, Europe, Asia, MiddleEast, Africa all are welcome)     
: Read Here for More info   
We also provide Degree verification & official trancripts in writing when requested by employers and others authorized by you. This official College & University transcripts meet the highest academic standards printed on premium diploma paper, bearing the Official gold raised SEAL of the awarding University or College     
: Our credit For Work   
Experience & Accreditation process. Fast-track Diploma/Degree program will evaluate and Quantify your past eduation and work experience for any diploma or degree of Your choice. Thus, You do not have to repeat or take basic courses in areas that you have already been Mastered. Credit for work experience allows students to upgrade their qualifications that relate to advancing their professional Career without going back to school     
: Your Confidentiality Assured   
The more degrees you Have the better your chances and prospects in life. That is the way Life is. It is a competitive world. Don't delay to contact us today   
Give us a call at:   1-718-9895-740 (Inside USA)      
                    +1-718-9895-740 [Outside USA]    
Please Leave Your 'Name, Country and Phone/Mobile No. with CountryCode'       
We will get back to you in next 1 - 3 Working Days  

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