

I wanted to drop you a quick email regarding your site at lists.copyleft.no and ask whether you would be interested in publishing an infographic guest post for me?


I’m sure you receive several similar requests each week, so I wanted to quickly point out what I’m proposing and why I think this would be of value to you:


·         We’ll provide you with an exclusive infographic created by us. Rather than simply sending you a text based article, we do all of the research and arrange for one of our designers to create an infographic solely for use on your site. If you’re not sure what this is you can see an example of an infographic here - http://askaaronlee.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/86733282.jpg

·         We’ll help promote the infographic on your site- using our social media accounts we’ll guarantee a minimum of 200 visits to the post on your site (although typically more if the post spreads virally). This should help in bringing new visitors to your site, as well as providing your existing readers with something a little different to your normal posts whilst remaining equally interesting.


Hopefully you’ll agree the benefits on your part are great:


·         Free, relevant unique content that your existing readers will appreciate

·         100% ownership of the content we supply

·         A minimum of 200 new visits to the post


If already have some data that you would like to be made into an infographic then please feel free to send it over and we’ll see if we can work with it.


All we ask from you is that you credit our client with a link within the post if you choose to accept and publish the work that we send through.


Please let me know if you have any questions- I’d be happy to provide more details or send through some initial ideas.





-          Craig