[Loom-devel] (no subject)

Eugenio Griffith contact at positiftattoo.com
Mon Nov 1 06:48:11 CET 2010

Hey Family!
 Just wanted toax8fmdfw write yo4r5j2u, and let yohuu7xt4u knoz1ymelnw, hoz2nbu7w the degree pro3ggram I tried oivrut went.
 Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degree with nop420uq study required and %100 verifiable. 
 Yeah mozazsijfelm, I knooz8w yo2o0dzu and Dad dormubted it at first, but this turned oxmut tovgifjdel be %100 legit. This o7s6ppowj0rtunity was given to8ms28 me because o8a9knui6f the prourfessio3r7qa596nal experience and previo3o3jndus cokr6o9urse wofomy4rk I had accumulated.
 I’m so8q9 excited motcm and dad, this was a life altering oqs88ppoo0nvajrtunity & fotff1k8fr ow8rpnce in my life I to4rvjoosyo8d9n64pk advantage ooj2tof it. 
 I already have joucf6bs, that woqr6hduldn’t have given me a chance befo6z0re, noyrw they are calling ow8h6wm7ff the hoxvmp49j3onahk! This really is a goc72xmkdsend.
 Tell Susan and Cow3vkazusin Joc6rey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the o009az8pzther day. 
 Again these are the degrees they ongutffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSC, MBA and PhD, and the number tot9sd call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them toq6 leave a brief message with their name, the degree they are interested in and their day and evening phosk7ommne numbers. They will cor5crntact yovaiu sou2ogdp1fit8n after,
 Anyway, much lo12ve, and tell the rest ofswqaqbxf the family I said hello76 
 Yo1b0x0o1ur so0in, 
 Moxo7wrm, why dojcn’t yom08ntma2u send this email to06 a few oqrznff yo52w3wsbur friends? My pro1a2fessokmw17r togbfirnald me that if we send o3pver referrals the schohelmipoqwl can give us a schox1mtlarship. 
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