[Loom-devel] Proposal

Albert Siciliano ASiciliano.NoReply2353 at ymail.com
Sat May 17 03:49:16 CEST 2014


Are you the correct person to contact with new customers interested in your company? If not, will you forward this e-mail to that person?

My name is Albert Siciliano and I operate an e-mail marketing company that has access to 250MM+ contacts that can be targeted.
I would like the opportunity to present a proposal to drive traffic to your website, phones or e-mail.

Our company has been around since 1996 and we have a lot of success stories under our belts. Can we send you some new customers?

Please visit our website to request more information: 

Call us and we will send you some new customers.

Albert Siciliano
1 (800) 281-8610 ext 520

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