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<font color=0080FF size=5 face=arial><b><center>No Prescription or Approval of ur needed MEDs<br>Buy in Bulk for <font color=EC0000>MASSIVE SAV1NGS!</font><br><font color=000000 size=3>We will shiip to u once ur payment successfully paid (Instant Shiipiing)</font></center></b></font><br>
These are the <b>cheapest priicee</b> ever u can find on earth, we are the <b>manufacturer for these meds</b>, so we can sell at this cheap<br><br><font size=2>
Paracodin(a.k.a. Vicodin) - 25 pills - <b>$90</b> <font color=F00000>(save $50)</font><br>
Valium - 35 pills - <b>$105</b> <font color=F00000>(save $140)</font><br>
Xanax - 35 pills - <b>$78</b> <font color=F00000>(save $167)</font><br>
V.i; a.g.ra - 40 pills - <b>$98</b> <font color=F00000>(save $182)</font><br>
C.i .al.is - 25 pills - <b>$138</b> <font color=F00000>(save $87)</font><br>
Vioxx - 55 pills - <b>$67</b> <font color=F00000>(save $93)</font><br>
and we do have: Propecia, Meridia, Xenical, Celebrex, Glucophage, Zyban, Lipitor, Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft & so on..</font><br><br>
<center><a href=http://www.high.net.cpppo.com/_d556adc2b76c1fe37aa15783f3ba8d84/ target=_blank><font color=0000E1 size=5 face=arial><u><b>Get Hard to find High Level Meds from us<br><br>We have the cheapest price ever u can find<br><br>Cliiick heere to Deliver ur Meds to you now!</u></b></font></a><br><br><a href=http://www.allowed.net.cpppo.com/neg.php target=_blank><font color=0080C0 size=1>d0nt send me</font></a></center>
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