Hey Family!

Just wanted toydnm4 write yodrttu, and let yoyodofwcu kno6xw, hoqngxelw the deguj6a7vxree proy77jel3gram I tried o90p3put went.
Well, six weeks later, I graduated, finished & received my Masters Degr2imqipvee with noxs5pj study required and %100 verifiable.

Yeah mo2mm, I knofvzz40qw yotoxzt1u and Dad doqpqvpubted it at first, but this turned ozm71h4ut toiqvqvpum be %100 legit. This owixbhsppo1iwx0rtunity was given tocoq76f me because of0yzf the pro73tj22fessiov0w6g6nal experience and previoxcuselyf2us cok4bxhburse wox2vrk I had accumulated.

I’m so12 excited mogx3hpm and dad, this was a life altering o4el80q0wmppo75avelnsyrtunity & fotk4qupgr o4xitd0znce in my life I tox9wg4o3agrsgk advantage o0mgvdqjf it.

I already have joju443b4bs, that wo06rwk3uldn’t have given me a chance befors72aw2kre, no82hbw they are calling o4r0x5yelff the ho66i3vz4otpelk! This really is a goelkdsend.

Tell Susan and Cogmkjufusin Joj3ocfqey that they better hurry up and call that # I gave them the op8wh8ther day.

Again these are the degresoyges they oc9v2suo9ffer, BA, BSC, MA, MSxguelk7C, Muc3j87elBA and Ph817D, and the number tobxumac call is 1-801-461-5023, tell them toelrconz leave a brief message with their name, the deg9x7pzyree they are interested in and their day and evening phoco4o575ne numbers. They will co2kpels92ntact yoayf9hkju son5cvq5o8hjtn after,

Anyway, much louybv6sve, and tell the rest o3dpppcmf the family I said hellontrz

Yoj0pnrur sob5j983dcn,


Moel1elv0el3m, why do7dumdsw5n’t yozg27u4u send this email toz63km a few oelmof yoyu4cjnur friends? My proel4rfessor9rqr tosbld me that if we send odbver referrals the schoigo3581pbp1l can give us a schowzjlarship.