[Peerpress-licensing] From the issue dated February 16, 2001.
Yolanda brignac
Yolanda290 at idigital.de
Sat Aug 11 08:35:43 CEST 2007
H u*g e N+e_w s To Im pact C Y_T.V
C,hina You'TV C_o r.p..
S*ymbol: C*Y-T.V
We h a-v'e al.ready s e'e,n CYTV+'s m+arket impac.t befor,e clim.bi*ng to o,v'e r $2..00 w+i.t*h n e,w+s_.
Pres*s Re'lease:
Chin'a YouTV'*s CnB_oo W-e_b S_i t*e Rank,s N+o..+1 on M.icrosof*t L-i'v.e Sea.rch Eng-ine
C nBoo Traff*ic In_crea+ses 4*9*% O_v e_r T-w'o Month_s
R'e.a_d t_h-e n-ews, th-ink ab_out t-h'e i_mpact, and
j.u-m.p on t*h-i.s fi*rst thi,ng Tomo +rrow m ornin+g! $0,.42 is a g'i,f,t at t-h'i.s pr_ice..._..
Do y'o'u*r h-omewor*k a-n_d wa,tch t'h.i,s t'rade Mon_day mo.rning.
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