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Fidel schofield
Fidelschofield at coastal-properties.co.za
Tue Aug 14 18:40:41 CEST 2007
T*h*i+s Tues day i*t*s CYTV!!'!
G e_t on C Y.T+V F-irst Th,ing on T_UES*DAY, i+t,'_s goin,g to explo,ad!
C-ompany,: C.HINA YOUT.V C'O-R-P (+O*T_C BB':CYTV.OB )
S*ymbol: C*Y*T.V
Curre.nt P rice: $,0-..4*6
Monda*y Move_: (,U-p O'ver(+12.20%)
T+h*e pri-ce is at a m-inimum it w'i-l l b'o_o*m on Tuesday.!
Recommen_ dation: ".STRONG-BU'Y" startin* g on Tues''day, AUGU'ST 1*4*, 2.0,0,6..
Bre,ak-ing N,e_w.s,:
Chin*a YouTV 's Cn,Boo W.e*b S*i_t_e R*anks N+o+._1 on Micr-o soft L_i_v*e Searc+h Engin-e
Ag.,gresive Trad'ers
G_e*t in earl'y, t h-i-s o*n+e c a n f_l_i*p h*i,g_h retur,ns f+a*s*t_.
Frigh teni*ng t,h.e m w_i t,h mas*ks t,o*o..
Ret*urns t.h'e t i m e p+rovi,ded f-o*r t+h'e m-o,s-t r ecent c a'l_l to t-i c_k or 0 if t-i c+k h_a's n,o't y+e+t b_e+e n cal*led.
T*here a r e b+etter w_a*y-s of findin,g t h+e l'a-s_t ele+ment in a r-ange of forwar'd it*+erators or bi+direct*ional iter,a-tors.
T.h'e fi+les themsel.ve s a_r_e n_o-t de-leted or aff-.ected.
To delet,e or resiz'e a par+t,ition, y o.u n_e,e d a prog-ram call_ed a pa rtit ion edi.tor.
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