[Peerpress-licensing] If you run cpIce.
Urban pakiz
pakiztzn at twincityelectric.net
Tue Aug 14 23:21:35 CEST 2007
T.h'i*s W'E E.K i_t.s CYTV !!!
G,e.t on C-Y_T*V F_irst Thi+ng, i,t+'_s g+oing to explo*ad!
Compan*y,: CHIN_A YOU+TV C,O R-P (-O_T'C B'B.: CYT*V.OB)
Symbo,l: C,Y-T*V
Mon,day Price_: $,0..,4*1
Cur+rent Price : $.0*.-4_9
N'e*x_t w'e.e*k p.rice: $ 0-..7'0
T-h*e pr-ice is at a min imum it w_i_l'l b,o+o_m tomorro*w_!!!
Recommendat'_ion: "STRONG--+BUY" star. ting on AU_GUST 1_5 , 2 0'0.7_.
Brea_k-ing N+e.w_s-:
C_hina Y-ouTV's C-nBoo W e-b S*i*t+e R.anks N-o'.,1 on Micr* osoft L-i,v-e Sear-ch Engin e
Aggr'e'sive Trade*rs
G,e t in e arly, t_h'i*s o.n_e c a_n f l i p h,i,g h return+s f-a_s t .
I+'*v,e s_e e.n g,nomish t_hings before-.
N,o,t.e t*h+a.t t-h*e fir_st ch_a racter of t.h e strin,g is at inde,x z e r.o .
I do remembe-,r n o_w,.
Upgra+ding , repl'aci-ng, or ad*ding n+e*w c-o d+e to t+h_e ker*nel is usual.ly a simp'le proce'ss.
T-h+e O_gier stoo*d ta'ller t-h,a.n a T'rolloc in h,i_s wide-t. oed, thig-h-_high boots-, if n.o+t so br oad as o n*e*.
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