[Peerpress-licensing] Halley A. Severns

Nigel M. Blauser tbnpt at myhome
Sat Nov 28 18:20:25 CET 2009

To old to go to the school? and you want a degree, ok we will help you get it

All you have to do is call us at this number 1.215-602 -2419 and we will do for you to get you a degree.

Please do not forget to leave a message on the fone, with your name and number so we can contact you back.

Brigitte Lipman

The moral sense, or conscience, is as much part of a man as his leg or arm. It is given to all in a stronger or weaker degree.. It may be strengthened by exercise. Thomas Jefferson ' I am entirely certain that twenty years from now we will look back at education as it is practiced in most schools today and wonder how we could tolerated anything so primitive.' John W Gardner  'It is not who you attend school with but who controls the school you attend.' Nick Giovanni US Poet Do not teach too many subjects and what you teach, teach thoroughly.' Alfred North Whitehead 
Could it be that the current education reforms have not yet fully dealt with what teaching and learning are all about? In a word, yes.' Peyton Williams ASCD President 2003 'We must beware of needless innovation, especially when guided by logic.' Winston Churchill 'How many students ... were rendered callous to ideas, and how many lost the impetus to learn because of the way in which learning was experienced by them?' John Dewey Many school focus too much on achievement... (they need) to create opportunities for young people develop their learning muscles and their learning stamina through working on real problems... to reflect on and manage their own learning.' Guy Cl
Secondary education is a more purely industrial age institution than any business.' Peter Senge 'The School That Learns'

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