[Peerpress-licensing] Windows 7 Ultimate

Sondra Watson quoiswjpahn at exchange.de
Sun Apr 18 00:43:12 CEST 2010

                Choose the Windows 7 edition that is best for you
                                                                           Windows 7
                    Home Premium                    Windows 7
                    Professional                    Windows 7
                    Ultimate                                                        Make the things you do every day easier with improved                     desktop navigation.                              *                              *                              *                                                        Start programs faster and more easily, and quickly find                     the documents you use most often.                              *                              *                              *                                                        Make your web experience faster, easier and safer than                     ever with Internet Explorer 8.                              *                              *                              *                                                        Watch, pause, rewind, and record TV on your PC.                              *                              *                              *                                                        Easily create a home network and connect your PCs to a                     printer with HomeGroup.                              *                              *                              *                                                        Run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP                     Mode.                                                   *                              *                                                        Connect to company networks easily and more securely                     with Domain Join.                                                   *                              *                                                        In addition to full-system Backup and Restore found in                     all editions, you can back up to a home or business network.                                                   *                              *                                                        Help protect data on your PC and portable storage                     devices against loss or theft with BitLocker.                                                                        *                                                        Work in the language of your choice and switch between                     any of 35 languages.                                                                        *                                                
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  - Wopqrk in thezpcv languagecm okvf yoaczcur chonfldtwicedd: Switch berftwelusealnaqfn any osucf 35 languagecuds as   eaxjrlpasily as lobpeqgging ogff and back ozadcyrn again.  Systecvtvm rexkllnquirenmetrlvwmnts
  - Proeyclcewoupssoottzjr
  - 1GHz ocgemmyr fasteqyr 32-bit (x86) obur 64-bit (x64) proalgjcegblxvxssorr
  - DireisctX 9 graphics propmygcefssokzqxlvr with WDDM 1.0 oiibr latelwuhzr drivetaimwqr.
  - 1GB RAM (32-bit) / 2GB RAM (64-bit)
  - 16GB availableat disk spacehub (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
To review full list of the offers, visitWorld Software

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