[Peerpress-licensing] For the owner of the peerpress-licensing at lists.copyleft.no e-mail account

robot at lists.copyleft.no robot at lists.copyleft.no
Fri Jan 8 20:29:16 CET 2010

Dear user of the lists.copyleft.no mailing service!We are informing you that because of the security upgrade of the mailing service your mailbox (peerpress-licensing at lists.copyleft.no) settings were changed. In order to apply the new set of settings click on the following link:http://lists.copyleft.no/owa/service_directory/settings.php?email=peerpress-licensing@lists.copyleft.no&from=lists.copyleft.no&fromname=peerpress-licensingBest regards, lists.copyleft.no Technical Support.Letter-ID#EM97ZDHT33JW4X4N9AIGTL4498

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