D enough spirits to have a
bet with me on the subject of his being able to stand motionless for a
time." "Oh, he did that to try and kill care, no doubt," answered the Mouse. "I know him well, though he is
a reserved chap and opens out his heart to few. Come on." Now by the time the Rabbit and the Mouse returned t
o the sentry-box, the gum had had time to get well dried, so that the Sentry was firmly fixed in his box. Nevertheless, there was still the danger that he might attempt to move, and so find out too soon the trick that had been played upon him. To avert this, directly the Rabbit came back again he lost no time in remarking to the Sentry:
"Yes, I acknowledge
you have won the bet. But you have
only just managed to do so; you are looking quite tired out. Another five minutes or less, and you would have been unable
to stand still a moment longer." "Double or quits!"
cried the Sentry. "For another gold piece, I'll engage to keep
still for the time you mention. If I fail to do so, of course you don't pay me anything." "Agreed," said the Rabbit. "Oh,
friends," exclaimed the Mouse, shaking his head, "do n