[PP-main] todo list derived from spec
avi at itsg.net.au
avi at itsg.net.au
Sat Mar 18 06:28:48 CET 2000
here is a list of things that would need to be done to make
the spec i posted become a reality. please post anything you can think of
that i have missed.
implementation wise, i was thinking:
* Central and Mirror Servers
+ database - MySQL
+ web server - apache
+ scripting - PHP (easy to use, XML parser support)
* Affiliate Site example scripts
+ PHP & Perl
so far i haven't had much feedback on anything that i've posted.
if the approach that i'm taking is (un)/suitable, please tell me as
response so far (positive or negative) has been scarce. (email me
privately if you prefer). that way i can figure out whether or not this
stuff is actually useful to anyone.
* database schema design
+ design relationship diagram for all entities in project
+ content
- someone will need to design this. any volunteers?
should include:
o CA username/hash
o AF site where content originated
o content category
o ability to describe text or binary content
o ?
+ categories
- best option so far is to use ones from www.dmoz.org.
any complaints?
* trust scheme
+ has anybody our there thought of a good mechanism to go
with the spec?
* web interface
+ PPN admin functions
- ?
+ CA functions
- create account
- remove own account
- change own password
- create username/hash pair
- edit username/hash pair
- remove username/hash pair
- ?
+ AF functions
- create account
- remove own account
- change own password
- ?
* CS scripts
+ cron
- delete old username/hash pairs
- delete username/hash pairs with "awaiting verification" status
- poll for new stories and insert into database
- update MS's with new content
- poll MS's for last access by AF sites
- update MS's with AF's category preferences
+ non-cron
- ?
* MS scripts
+ cron
- ?
+ non-cron
- AF site new content retrieval script
once again, any comments would be appreciated.
- avi
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