[Peerpress-main] The main function has a name that is specially recognized by Managed C++ programs as the main entry point of the program.
foung Ullitz
Ullitz at original37.com.br
Mon Aug 13 18:16:51 CEST 2007
H.u.g*e N'e_w*s To Impa*ct C+Y*T,V
Ch-ina You TV C_o*r*p'.
Symbo_l: C+Y'T V
We h a*v_e alrea-dy s'e.e-n CYT,V's marke+t imp'act bef*ore c-limbi,ng to o_v,e+r $2.0_0 w i_t h n-e.w_s .
Pre-ss Relea*se:
C+hina You+TV's CnB oo W'e b S i+t'e Ran.ks N.o-.-1 on Micr.osof-t L'i-v*e Searc h Engin,e
CnB+oo Traffi'c I ncreas'es 4+9*% O.v'e_r T,w*o Mon-ths
R_e,a.d t'h*e ne+ws, th ink abo'ut t+h,e i_mpact, and
j-u'm p on t.h+i,s f*irst thin,g Tom*'orrow morn'_ing! $,0.42 is a g'i'f't at t'h_i-s pr_ice..'...
Do y o u,r ho*m-ework a_n*d w*atch t h+i.s t-rade Mo-nday morning*.
T*h'e se+tting,s y+o_u choo_se a_r.e st,ored in t,h_e IZ8B-LY.
A mode'l of an a t o-m is w.h*a t I+''v'e b,uilt.
It w.a.s a s*hame I wa_sn't a b-i*t m+o+r,e c heerfu,l w'h*e.n I d,i+d Mar+vin, b+u t I o,n*l.y rec.all bei,ng cheerf'+ul on.ce, a.n-d I didn+'t was+te t*h-a+t on a stu,pid r.obot.
S*h*e del*iver.ed j,udg,ment i,nstantaneousl,y.
S.ubscribe*s to event's w_i,t-h t.h+e g-iven que+ry a.n d de--livers the+m, asy'nchr,onously, th.rough t*h-e event..
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