[Peerpress-main] Only anonymous proxies IPs.
mohammed REISS
REISSxcs at buct.edu.com
Wed Aug 15 20:24:26 CEST 2007
T+h-i s g+e-m is reall.y movab l_e!!
T'h i_s o_n_e is r+eally p'rofi+table!!!
H-a v-e y_o.u b e,e,n watc h ing t.h+i.s f o*r t*h'e l_a's.t w+e e-k*?
T*a.k_e a l*o.o-k at it:
re+cent n,e-w.s re'l eases s+e+n-t genera+t ing gr_owing i_nter+est in C+Y.T_V
Co,m pany: CHIN A YO+UTV C'O,R+P (_O*T.C BB:CYTV.OB )
S t o c k: C+Y-T V
C'urrent Pri_ce: $*. 4*9
4 t'h Stra_,ight d'a'y's we h_a'v-e s*e.e.n t,h i-s climb . (,S,e e Yaho_o Ch'art+-New N e w_s re'lease)
T*h+i,s o n e h-a,s h,a+d n_i,c'e return,s f+o.r i.nvestor's o.v-e.r t'h+e sum_mer, and
n-o+w show s pro'mise to beg'in a secon+d w.a-v*e of retur+ns.
K,e e-p a e+y*e o,u.t aga_in on We d.nesday A,u,g 1-5....
If t*h-e c'lass curs,or is n+o t N+ULL, t+h.e sy'stem r-e.stores t h,e c,lass cur,sor e_a-c'h t+i*m e t-h.e mous*e is moved .
W*a'n't to be+come a me'mber of 2000-AD.
Talkli,neA,lles r*u+n,d u.m+s mobi le Tele*,fonieren - T+o+p Handyan*g*ebote, Testsieger-Tarife, a-l*l e v-i_e'r Netz,e.
In m*o+s.t ca-ses, y_o-u w*i l-l be vi'olatin*g t-h-e polici_'es of y-o,u+r o.w+n s-ite, a*n-d coul_d e n+d up losi ng y o-u*r o,w_n acco*unt.
B.u't it se emed thes e b,e_e,r bu'sts w'e+r.e a d-'iversion of t_hese high-spiri,te*d yo.ung f-ellows whe-reby t_h+e'y while.d a,w,a-y t,h_e t'edium of ex-i-stence by mak,ing f,ools of t'heir bet.ters.
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