[Peerpress-main] Please confirm your Intuit.com invoice.

INTUIT INC. noreply at careerbuilder.com
Fri Mar 2 10:15:12 CET 2012

Your intuit.com order.

   DearClient:   Thank you forbuyingyour accounting softwarefromIntuit Market. We are working on and willmessage you when yourorder iscomplete. Ifyou orderedseveral items, wemay processthem in more than  onedelivery (at noextra cost to you) to provide fasterprocessing time.   If you havequestions about your order, pleasecall 1-800-955-8890.

Please downloadyour full invoiceid #488497258537information at Intuitsmall business website.NEED HELP?
Email us at mktplace_customerservice at intuit.com.Call us at1-800-955-8890.Reorder Intuit ChecksQuickly andEasily startingwiththe informationfrom your previousorder.
     Tohelp us better serveyour needs, pleasetake      afew minutes to let usknow how we are doing.     Submityour feedback here.
     Thanksagain for your order,     IntuitMarket CustomerService

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   If you receive an emailmessage that appears to come from Intuit butthat you suspect is a phishing    e-mail, please forward itimmediately to spoof at intuit.com. Please visit http://security.intuit.com/for    additional securityinformation. 
   ©2011 Intuit, Inc. Allrights reserved. Intuit, the Intuit Logo,Quickbooks, Quicken and TurboTax,    among others, are registeredtrademarks of Intuit Inc.

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