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Order #002-3402341-36278653


Thank you for shopping with us. We thought you must be informed that our shop shipped your item, and that this completes your order.. If you need to return an good from this shipment or manage other orders, please visit Your Orders on

Your estimated delivery date is:

Friday, September 21, 2012

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Your order was sent to:

273 Gilpin Ave, Appartments 5A
S Maria, CA
United States

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Shipment Information

LG 42LW5309, HD 42-Inch 1080p 400 Hz Cinema 3D S-iPS HDTV FullHD and Four Pairs of 3D Glasses
Sold by secondipity
Condition: used-new

Item Subtotal: $673.84
Shipping & Handling: $22.55
Total Before Tax: $673.84
Shipment Total: $673.84
Paid by Amex: $673.84

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We hope to see you again soon!

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