[click here for the abstracts]
Christian Ferencz-Flatz and Julian Hanich: Editors' Introduction: What is Film Phenomenology?
Vivian Sobchack: “The Active Eye” (Revisited): Toward a Phenomenology of Cinematic Movement
Hans Rainer Sepp: Kamera und Leib: Film in statu nascendi
Pierre Rodrigo: Ontologie du mouvement, peinture et cinéma chez Merleau-Ponty
Anna Caterina Dalmasso: Le plan subjectif réversible : Sur le point de vue au cinéma à partir des écrits de Merleau-Ponty
Orna Raviv: The Cinematic Point of View: Thinking Film with Merleau-Ponty
Olivier Malherbe: Roman Ingarden et le cinéma : entre visibilité et musicalité
Matthew Rukgaber: Phenomenological Film Theory and Max Scheler’s Personalist Aesthetics
Jean-Pierre Meunier: Le problème de l’identification filmique reconsidéré
Regina-Nino Mion: Husserl and Cinematographic Depictive Images: The Conflict between the Actor and the Character
Claudio Rozzoni: Cinema Consciousness: Elements of a Husserlian Approach to Film Image
Mauro Carbone: The Mutation of our Relations with Screens as a Mutation of our Relations with Being
Corry Shores: Cinematic Signs and the Phenomenology of Time: Deleuze and the Visual Experience of Temporal Depth
Jennifer Barker: Haunted Phenomenology and Synesthetic Cinema
Tanya Shilina-Conte: How It Feels: Black Screen as Negative Event in Early Cinema and 9/11 Films
Jane Stadler: Experiential Realism and Motion Pictures: A Neurophenomenological Approach
Frank Chouraqui: Circulus Vitiosus Deus: Merleau-Ponty on the Place of Ontology within Being
John Krummel: Chōra in Heidegger and Nishida
Rolf Kühn: Das Affektive als Welt und Fremderfahrung: Zur Einheit radikal phänomenologischer Wirklichkeit als Lebensimmanenz
Christopher Lapierre: Affectivité et imaginaire chez Merleau-Ponty : Nouvelles lectures
Mădălina Diaconu: Iris Därmann (Hg.), Kraft der Dinge. Phänomenologische Skizzen (Paderborn: Fink, 2014)
Lucian Ionel: Thomas Sheehan, Making Sense of Heidegger: A Paradigm Shift (London, New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2015)
Rolf Kühn: Jean Reaidy, Naissance mystique et divinisation chez Maître Eckhart et Michel Henry (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015)
Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei: Alfonsina Scarinzi (ed.). Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy (Dordrecht: Springer, 2015)