[Peerpress-xml] Definiti

Meagan Pepeu Pepeu at orcretal.com
Tue Aug 14 17:08:45 CEST 2007

T-h-i,s T.uesday i_t+s CYTV!-!! 

G-e-t on C,Y'T_V Firs't Thin*g on TU*ESDAY,, i+t+'*s go+ing to exp+load! 

Comp.any.: CH*INA YO,UTV C_O-R'P (+O.T-C BB:-CYTV.+OB) 
Sym_bol:  C_Y*T_V 

Cu'rrent Pr*ice: $*0 ._4-6 

M_onday M+ove: ('U+p O ver(1.2.20%) 

T+h.e pri-ce is at a minimu.m it w_i-l'l b_o,o m on T uesday! 

Recommen_dation': "STRO+N G-BUY" st arti*ng on Tuesd a,y, A UGUST 1-4-, 2*0'0*6'. 

Br.e'aking N'e_w s': 
C'hina You_TV's C_nBoo W_e+b S i-t e Rank's N,o .*1 on M+icros,oft L i v,e Searc h Eng'ine 

Aggre  sive Tra'ders 

G e t in e'arly, t-h_i*s o*n'e c'a.n f.l_i_p h_i_g-h retur.ns f,a's-t'. 

S.h_e be.gan to t'r.y a.l,l mann er of reme',dies on h+i.m . 
G'ently W-eeps Man,dol,in m*p'3*. 

D+O,N J-U.A*N Y_e*s , I*'+m a sco,undrel'. 

Sla.va no_ted t.h.a t he a_n d Gen*ka woul'd h_a v+e to be excuse_d f*r_o,m w-o,r*k in t*h,e c.l_u-b*. 
T_h'e h*allway on e a-c'h s,i'd e of e+a*c'h w,i*n_g is a hundre.d t',wenty-eight f.e'e-t a'n+d a f+e-w inch*es l o*n-g,. 

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