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  Aug 30, 2009

What limits you?


All men should know that in most cases only their physiology limits their lovemaking mastery.
Break the chains that your body fettered you with! Start using special caplets from our e-store and learn what volcano-love is at last! So check out... more >>>



Expect a boost to your love life today, even if you thought it was as good as it gets. Your... more >>>



Are you in the mood for love? If so, don't try to make someone guess what's on your mind -- tell... more >>>


 Single's Love

Are you really, totally, one-hundred-percent sure you're getting what they're saying? Don't be... more >>>


 Couple's Love

The two of you have been frugal and practical long enough. The stars say it's time for some... more >>>


This is an important point in this calendar to remind the reader that major planetary alignments - like yesterday's Mercury square to Pluto, Mars... more >>>

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