I\\\\'m that dangerous type of women whom you become addicted to immediately... As you try once, you will want MORE and MORE every day.)) You don\\\\'t believe me? Ha-Ha! Well, you have to check.) Of course, I’m laughing right now, I like sarcasm but you know, they say “In every joke there’s a grain of truth”. OK, you are still welcome to check!)) I need to say something about myself in this description, let me try. My fiends would say I’m rather mature for my age and I think I would agree with them, thanks to my education and upbringing. Indeed I have always felt much more comfortable in a company of elder people. If I’m expected to describe myself in a few words, then I’m not a fan of frivolity, I’m more about profoundness, I would always prefer quality over quantity, that’s my life philosophy. Yes, young blondes can have brains and own life philosophy – you are welcome to check if you still doubt.)) I think I will stop here since you are still going to check my words and we’ll have more time for this discovery.)) Oh, one more thing, - good humor, incl uding sarcasm is my cup of tea for sure!