I am open to new friend­ships and I am al­ways pleased to en­joy new ex­pe­ri­ences in my life.
I am a pos­i­tive and hap­py lady. I am fond of trav­elling and I am sure that it is the best way to find your­self, to learn about the world and to get to know new peo­ple, coun­tries and cul­tures.
I al­so help home­less an­i­mals and have been horse rid­ing now for two years. Hors­es are my weak­ness. They are in­cred­i­ble an­i­mals who can af­fect your body, brain and soul.
I try to spend my spare time do­ing en­joy­able things – good movies, the­a­tres, mod­ern ex­hi­bi­tions, hik­ing and meet­ing up with my friends.

Some­times though I can be a re­al lazy­bones and sim­p­ly stay at home with an in­ter­est­ing book or do other re­lax­ing things. I en­joy life and live in the here and now. I am sure that I will meet my love soon and my life will then be col­ored afresh.