[Pyrex] Interpreting error messages

Edward C. Jones edcjones at erols.com
Tue Apr 29 15:31:25 CEST 2003

Greg Ewing wrote:

>Edward C. Jones" <edcjones at erols.com>:
>>>>/.../silly.pyx:5:8: Casting temporary Python object to non-Python type
>>>>/.../silly.pyx:6:22: Cannot convert 'void (*)' to Python object
>>Not very useful error messages. I would prefer the Python "undefined 
>>global variable" error.
>You would have got one of those at run time if you'd got that
>far. It's just that other things happened to go wrong first.
>I've been thinking about providing an option for requiring all
>identifiers to be declared. Would you find that helpful?
Yes. So "def Fun(obj)" becomes "def object Fun(object obj)", etc. Then 
the question is: How does Pyrex differ from a strongly typed extension 
of Python?

Ed Jones

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