[Pyrex] Pyrex and __slots__?

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at mtg.co.at
Tue Aug 12 19:30:23 CEST 2003

Am Mon, 2003-08-11 um 19.34 schrieb Jeremy Fincher:
> Hash: SHA1
> I noticed when I moved a Python class to Pyrex that my __slots__ declaration 
> no longer prevents an instance __dict__ from being created.  Why is this, and 
> what needs to be done to allow __slots__ to do its job?
Well, why:
Pyrex doesn't provide the attributes of a class to the class
constructor. Instead it sets them later.
So __dict__ is created by the default type constructor.

Basically pyrex does something like this:

class A(object):
   __slots__ = ["a","b"]
   def __init__(self):
      self.a = 0
      self.b = 0

gets into something like:
class A(object): pass

def A___init__(self):
   self.a = 0
   self.b = 0

A.__slots__ = ["a","b"]
A.__init__ = A___init__

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