[Pyrex] newbie in pyrex: error with FILE pointer

Sir Conde condedevitoria at yahoo.es
Sat Jun 7 08:28:39 CEST 2003


I tried to compile the following polygon.pyx file with pyrexc:

cdef extern from "gpc.h":
	ctypedef struct gpc_vertex:
		double  x
		double  y
	ctypedef  struct gpc_vertex_list:
		int              num_vertices
		gpc_vertex       *vertex
	ctypedef struct gpc_polygon:
		int               num_contours
		int              *hole
		gpc_vertex_list  *contour
	void gpc_read_polygon(FILE *fp,
			      int read_hole_flags,
                               gpc_polygon *polygon)
I got the following error after doing python pyrexc polygon.pyx

polygon.pyx:12:28 expected ')'

Is the bug in my code or the parser?

thank you very much!

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