[Pyrex] A wrapper around FreeType v2 using Pyrex

Joseph Koshy jkoshy at FreeBSD.ORG
Thu May 22 03:06:14 CEST 2003

Hi List,

I'm happy to announce an early snapshot of a Python wrapper around the 
FreeType v2 API.  I'm using Pyrex to wrap this library since it is
very convenient for investigating changes to the API seen by the Python

  $ wc -l freetype.pyx

It doesn't have much to offer a FreeType library user (yet), since 
much of the work in supporting glyph manipulation remains to be done.
However, we ARE at a stage where the font information dumper example
program 'ftdump' can be written entirely in Python.

Project URL : http://indic-computing.sourceforge.net/projects/pyfreetype2.html
Download    : http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=38057

I'm still figuring my way around Python's innards; comments are

Joseph Koshy                           <jkoshy at freebsd.org>
Developer, The FreeBSD Project         http://people.freebsd.org/~jkoshy/

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