[Pyrex] Re: callback

Bryan Weingarten bryan.weingarten at pobox.com
Mon Nov 10 04:45:03 CET 2003

i have some python code that intentionally caused in IndexError to occur for testing purposes.    i was surprised by the stack trace which is below.  notice that the fully qualified path to the machine it was built on is displayed.  i would really like pyrex not to include the fully qualified path to my internal development machine.  is there a way to fix this?



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./simple_edit.py", line 83, in ?
  File "./simple_edit.py", line 47, in editif_test
  File "/opt/home/XXX/wrk/audio/mpgedit/production/YYY/linux/mpgedit/contrib/python/ZZZ/mpgedit.pyx", line 202, in mpgedit.Spec.etime
    if not etime: raise IndexError('offset is out of range')                
IndexError: offset is out of range

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