[Pyrex] [newbie] first error : "init function"

Francesc Alted falted at openlc.org
Fri Sep 19 19:20:25 CEST 2003

Try to call your extension with the same name as your main .pyx file. I.e.,
in setup.py, change the line:

    Extension("py_date", ["pro_auget.pyx", "date.c"])


    Extension("pro_auget", ["pro_auget.pyx", "date.c"])
and then "import pro_auget". I don't know exactly why this has to be done in
such a way but you need to..

By the way, you can force the extension to be created in your working
directory by adding "--inplace" to the setup.py invocation.

Good luck,

Francesc Alted

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