[Pyrex] Newbie Question (problems with GCC)

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Apr 16 14:49:07 CEST 2004

At 08:54 AM 4/16/04 +0100, Voidspace wrote:
>In actual the reply from Greg might contain the answer to my further 
>difficulties :-)
>However - below are the resutls of my *failed* experiments last 
>I thought I'd followed the instructions in :
>to the letter !
>(Thanks for the replies by the way - both Phillip and Greg).
>Now the 'random thoughts' page says that after installing MinGW 
>successfully and adding a disutils.cfg file (which didn't exist 
>already).... I ought to be able to compile extensions from disutils 
>However it seems that maybe :
>  python setup.py build_ext --compiler=mingw32
>is the right way instead.... (I'll try it when I get home)

Where did you put the distutils.cfg?  It has to go in your 
Python2X\Lib\distutils directory.  Mine looks like this:


If you have that in place, you should never need the --compiler flag.  In 
the two years I've had that file, I've never needed --compiler or -c.

Second, did you actually build a 'libpython2x.a' file?  You didn't mention 
that.  If you didn't do that, you're not going to be able to actually build 
a .pyd.  See step 2 on this page:


(By the way, whenever I refer to "python2x" I mean e.g. python22 or 
python23, as appropriate for what version you're using.)

>F:\Python Projects\c>gcc -shared primes.o -o primes.so

That won't work.  Windows uses '.pyd' files, not '.so' files.  And, you've 
got no -L here to specify where your libpython is at.

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