[Pyrex] Should Pyrex be in standard Python?

Paul Prescod paul at prescod.net
Thu Jan 22 04:05:07 CET 2004

Greg Ewing wrote:

> Paul Prescod:
>>I've written up a proposal for adding Pyrex to Python as the standard 
>>way of building the extension modules that ship with Python. I'd like 
>>feedback from Pyrex users and Greg before I broach the issue with 
> This is a staggering idea!
> I'd say more, but the scope and implications of it leave me
> a bit speechless just at the moment...

Pyrex is a staggering idea.

 From the point of view of a C programmer it could be thought of as C 
with garbage collection, objects, exceptions and a nice syntax (i.e. for 

For a C++ programmer it could be thought of as C++ without all of the 
cruft that nobody likes or can figure out.

For a Java programmer it could be a more dynamic Java with integrations 

For a Python programmer it is a) an easy way of making Python 
extensions, b) a way of MASSIVELY speeding up Python code. It should be 
a tool in every Python programmer's toolbox.

I believe that Pyrex should be MUCH more popular than it is. It just 
lacks marketing. I'm putting together a few articles and talks (anyone 
else talking at PyCon?) to start filling that gap. I've been told that 
there are several outlets for magazine articles.

  Paul Prescod

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