[Pyrex] Re: calling Pyrex results from C

Paul Prescod paul at prescod.net
Thu Jan 22 04:11:36 CET 2004

Greg Ewing wrote:

>>  1. How is your teacher going to react when you hand in obfuscated-ish 
>>C code that depends on the whole Python interpreter _and_ PIL? If they 
>>tried force you into a particular language it is probably because they 
>>want to avoid the interpreter dependency headache.
> They probably also want to be able to *read* your code!
> The most likely result of handing in Pyrex-generated code
> is a mark of zero and a smack upside the head for being
> an impertinent smartass. :-(

But you would have the satisfaction of telling them that your SOURCE 
code is actually much easier to read than everybody else's.

Kyler says that the teachers care more about whether it works than what 
the source looks like. Handing in the source for comments is "optional."

I see it as a case of civil disobedience. He'll take the hit for the 
students that follow in later years. ;)

  Paul Prescod

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