[Pyrex] Should Pyrex be in standard Python?

Paul Prescod paul at prescod.net
Thu Jan 22 05:14:50 CET 2004

Bob Ippolito wrote:

> I don't see it as two halves.. I mean, you have Jython, PyPy (well, 
> theoretically), stackless, IronPython (theoretically).

Most of those are implementations of Python but Pyrex is a language. It 
could (and should) be implemented on top of Jython or PyPy or 
IronPython. In fact I'm really enthusiastic about the idea of a Pyrex 
compiler to C + JNI so that Pyrex-coded libraries could work with 
Jython. Technically it should be a subset of the work it took to write 
Pyrex the first time (because you could reuse the parser).

> Also, theoretically, you could compile Pyrex code to 
> ctypes-using-Python-code (with an upgrade of ctypes)... that would be 
> interesting.

That's exactly the point. Pyrex could be the strongly typed equivalent 
to Python's dynnamicity.

  Paul Prescod

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