[Pyrex] FILE and *opendir

Tom Kobialka u3356514 at anu.edu.au
Sat Jun 5 06:48:44 CEST 2004


  Thanks for all your help, its greatly appreciated. A few more quick 
questions :)

cdef extern from "FrIO.h":
	ctypedef struct FrIO:
		FILE *fp

  pyrexc rejects the above as, "Syntax error in C variable declaration",
understandably since I have neglected to define FILE. My question is, 
can I define FILE as a C struct our will I have to revert to python? 
I've had a look through the obvious C libraries for a suitable 
definition with little luck. This leads me to conclude i'll probably 
have to go with python. Admittedly my python familiarity is about as 
good as my pyrex skills ( < 1 week).

  I also have this little scenario:

  cdef extern from "dirent.h":
	ctypedef struct DIR
	*opendir (char *) <------ Problem

  pyrexc informs me:

  Pointer base type cannot be a Python object

  How can I work around this?



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