[Pyrex] How to pass the data element of a Numeric Array to a c function

Vineet Jain vineet at eswap.com
Sat May 22 00:48:43 CEST 2004

I've just started using Pyrex and love what it has been able to do for me in
such a short period of time. As I move more and more of my stuff over to
Pyrex I have a few questions:

1. I have a c binding function between my python code and a c library. In
that function I'm currently doing the following:

#define FDATA(p) ((float *) (((PyArrayObject *)p)->data))
localCvariable = FDATA(NumericPythonArray);

How can I do the same in pyrex. I've tried:


but that gives me an exception that cannot convert python object to

2. Is there a more efficient way to call Numeric functions directly from
pyrex. For instance when I do
from numeric import zeros, searchsorted

when I call zeros does it call the c function directly or does it have to go
through some python interface.



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