[Pyrex] __stdcall calling conventions in Pyrex

Grant McDonald gmcdonald at infocomp.com
Tue May 25 06:55:40 CEST 2004

Dear all,
I am currently using pyrex to wrap a C DLL that requires the use of
__stdcall calling conventions for any callback functions.  To illustrate my
cdef void comperr_callback(PPBORCA_COMPERR pCompErr, void *f):
    test = {}
    test['level'] = pCompErr.iLevel
    test['line'] = pCompErr.iLineNumber
    test['col'] = pCompErr.iColumnNumber
    if pCompErr.lpszMessageNumber != NULL:
        test['msg number'] = <LPSTR>pCompErr.lpszMessageNumber
        test['msg number'] = ''
    if pCompErr.lpszMessageText != NULL:
        test['msg text'] = <LPSTR>pCompErr.lpszMessageText
        test['msg text'] = ''

this callback requires the use of the __stdcall convention.  The only
solution I have been able to come up with is to edit the pyrex-generated c
file to add the __stdcall directive to the function declarations.  Is there
any way to make Pyrex include this directive in the generated file?
Grant McDonald 

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