[Pyrex] Creating a DLL with Pyrex.

Blake Winton bwinton at latte.ca
Tue Nov 2 23:27:23 CET 2004

Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> The Problem: I think I've learned enough to be able to wrap the
>>   necessary parts of the C API using Pyrex, but in order to get the
>>   conduit installed, I need to turn it into a DLL which exposes the
>>   following entry points:
>>   ExportFunc long GetConduitInfo(ConduitInfoEnum infoType, void
>>     *pInArgs, void *pOut, DWORD *pdwOutSize)
>>   ExportFunc DWORD GetConduitVersion() and
>>   ExportFunc long OpenConduit(PROGRESSFN pFn, CSyncProperties& rProps)
> It should be possible.  The only things that should be different are 
> implementing GetConduitInfo, etc. instead of main, and the linker 
> flags.  You may need to trick Pyrex into emitting that ExportFunc, though.

That's what I was hoping.  Any pointers from anyone on how to trick 
pyrex in this way?

Also, ExportFunc is a macro for "__declspec(dllexport)" (or "" on 
non-Windows platforms).  Does that make it any easier/harder?


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