[Pyrex] Creating a DLL with Pyrex.

Blake Winton bwinton at latte.ca
Wed Nov 3 15:37:31 CET 2004

Greg Ewing wrote:
> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> You may need to trick Pyrex into emitting that ExportFunc, though.
> Alternatively, you could write a small C wrapper exposing
> those functions and link with that.

Yeah, but the whole point of this particular exercise (for me) is to 
avoid writing C.  (Not because I don't know it, but because I prefer 

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
 > Also, to build the DLL, you can probably use the distutils; it's just
 > that the distutils generate a .pyd file.  Rename it to .dll and you
 > should be set, as .pyd's are actually .dll's internally.

Hah!  So I can!  And there's an option to specify which functions I want 
to export, too.  It took a little futzing, and it's kind of a shame that 
I can't create the list of exports automatically, but it's good enough 
for my purposes.

Thank you all for your help,

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